Invivo GI Health Markers Only Testing

The GI EcologiX Host Health markers only profile is a non-invasive stool test, which measures 7 key gut, immune, inflammatory and digestive health markers. This test can be used to provide a clinical picture of how a patient is responding to their microbiome, as well as a comprehensive overview of GI and digestive function. It is valuable in the assessment of:
• Maldigestion/weight loss
• Diarrhoea
• Abdominal pain/cramping
These host health markers are part of a larger, comprehensive gut health and microbiome profile: The GI EcologiX, which assesses these health markers alongside key microbial markers.
Biomarkers tested:
Beta defensin 2
Pancreatic elastase
Secretory IgA
Bile acids
Occult blood (FIT)
Learn more at GI Health Markers Only - Invivo Healthcare
Price - £209
Sample type: Stool